
5 Best Pet Gadgets you should buy

0:07 Dott

Don’t lose your furry friend
Smart tag your dog today
A simple pendant that attaches to your dogs collar. Download the app and track your dog on your smartphone. How easy is that?
Customized Digital Lost Pet Poster
A digital link of pet photo & profile

Live Update
Latest location and message feeds from the community

Advanced Search Functions
Instant mobile app and email alert to show 
latest location

Multiple Pets to Multiple Owners
Multiple pet profile management in the same account & 
can be shared among different owners easily

No Monthly or Yearly Fee
Enjoy lifelong protection with one-time payment
$39.00 each, Full details here https://dott-the-smart-dog-tag.myshopify.com/
The app is free. The idea of having a dott community is pretty cool.

1:39 CleverPet

A sort of playstation for your dog. But with treats.
Your dog has to learn how to interact with the machine in order to receive treats.
The learning sequences get more and more complex in order to keep your dog busy.

3:49 PupPod
Another X box for dogs concept. This time the dog has to play with a toy in order to earn a treat. From the “a busy dog is a happy dog” school of thinking.
This also hooks up with an app and you get a message every time you dog gets a treat (i’d imagine that will get a bit dull for the owner).
Comes with analytics reports, treats issues, minutes of play and more.
You can also set daily limits on the treats and even issue treats remotely.
$179 for details visit https://puppod.com/order-now/

5:48 PetBot
This is another treat dispenser but this has a built in dog cam.
Link it to your smartphone via the app and you can see what your dog is up to while you are away. You can also call your dog remotely.

Your dog can even send you selfies. I kid you not.
Details http://petbot.com/

7:04 Paww

I have to say that I really like these “balls”. Just very good thinking wrapped up in a few nice products. We will be looking to get our teeth into some of these.

Around $13 for the stick ball

Their Pick Pocket pouch looks super cool too
Around $10 – http://www.paww.com/gear/pick-pocket-pouch

Click here for more local information about #petshop

This post was created for your dogs pleasure by Rover, our roving reporter
Your hound on the ground

Feel free to take our posts for a walk, we appreciate each and every share.

This article was first published at http://passpawt.com/blog/tag/dogsdinner

#Dogland, #holidayinDogland, #passpawt, #petfriendly #dogtraining, #puppytraining, #dogvideos

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